Culture Gecko’s 1st Best of Saskatoon Fringe Festival Awards (Also an Op-Ed)
By Ezekiel McAdams
August 10 2024

*Author’s Note – This is an Op-Ed by Ezekiel McAdams about his experiences, opinions and what he believes deserves accolades from the 2024 Saskatoon Film Festival. Opinions and views are subjective.*
May I start with a preamble?
I haven’t been a patron or a reviewer of the Saskatoon Fringe Festival in seven or six years. I LOVE, emphatically love the Fringe Festival and while it could be my inner theatre kid or bias because of pure jubilation with a side of bliss, but this year’s festival was an embarrassment of riches. From the performers, buskers, musicians, artisan vendors, food trucks to the 25th Street Theatre staff to the volunteers, it truly was a magical, unforgettable rollercoaster of a week.
So, thank you! Honestly, EVERY SINGLE production, performance, ensemble was wonderful, creative, and thoughtful, that this was more of a challenge then I thought it would be.
“I’ll have this wrapped up like a proverbial pig in a blanket” said this writer, confidently stroking his chin, until he actually looked at his curated list and the smug smirk fell off his face, like one of the appendages of a potato head doll.
Why is everyone so talented? Holy Fire Roasted Trouts! This year’s Fringe is a never-ending pool of talent.
Alright, this is enough me of waxing and pontificating, here are my awards for the 2024 Saskatoon Fringe Festival.
In full disclosure, there are a few categories deliberately missing; Outstanding Director, Outstanding Set Design, Outstanding Costume Design, Outstanding Food, Outstanding Artisan Vendor and Outstanding Carnival Game.
This is my ignorance speaking but at the time of writing this, I did not have a complete list of production directors, set design, costumes. In the case of the Outdoor Fringe, I did not sample every food truck, try each Vendor or play a single carnival game and it would unfair and unethical to just name one without proper context.
If any of the productions, performers, cast and crew read this and can help educate and clarify in regards to directors, costumes ad set designers, I will edit and rectify this ASAP. Please and thank you. It’s very important to me that everyone is probably credited and recognized for their contributions.
This was tough because not only was each of the selected nominees phenomenal, they were creative, versatile, amalgamated genres and genuinely surprising. I narrowed down the nominees by each production’s vision, style, strength and how they coalesced into fully formed entity.
Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play) – Jennifer Vosters
GO – Pitchin’in Productions
Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret – Chase Padgett
Rat Academy – Batrabbit Productions
The Kid was a Spy - Jem Rolls/Big Word
Passage – Scribble-Arte
16: The Musical – Live Fully Productions
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm – Full Metal Comedy

The winner is Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play) by Chicago’s Jennifer Vosters. There’s a reason why Songs Without Words has stolen all the awards, festival by festival like a Fringe Tornado, Vosters has created a magnetic tour de force performance, that is simply award worthy. Vosters turned an idea that could have been interesting and engaging into a captivating, gripping production that shouldn’t be as good as it is.
Both nominees are widely different and distinct when it comes to this category, one is a local collective that created characters and used improv, game show format and audience engagement to drive each performance, the other is a group of local comedians. The winner was selected based on how each show would be different from the next one whether it improved or detracted was irrelevant.
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm – Full Metal Comedy

The winner is Survival of the Spookiest by Saskatoon’s Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions. Each of the ensemble’s monstrous personas were so well crafted and honed, that unlike a stand up set, one of the comedians wasn’t going to get eliminated each night, drastically changing the narrative.
I wish I could have seen each performance of Survival of the Spookiest because like multiple endings in movies or The Choose Your Own Adventure book series, it would have been fascinating to see each detour.

This year’s festival, had two AMAZING, uniquely different, stand up shows. First off, humor is subjective, I don’t think my parents would have found either funny but they definitely would have felt uneasy during Pigeau’s set.
One production was six comics (with alternating hosts) and other was the persona that Jessica Pigeau expertly crafted. Pigeau’s persona is highly reminiscent of a character from Saturday Night Live in the early 90s, Pat, created by Julia Sweeney. Pat followed several other SNL characters with a feature film, It’s Pat! in 1994.

Pigeau is going to be polarizing, personally, I found them hilarious and one of the most delightfully uncomfortable stand up sets I’ve ever witnessed.
Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm – Full Metal Comedy
How to Lose Friends and Irritate People – Jessica Pigeau

The winner is Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm by Saskatoon’s Full Metal Comedy In terms of best performance, you cannot beat six distinct comedians that fostered a laugh out loud atmosphere that was highly impressive.
Much to my surprise (pun not intended), I was DELIGHTED that each magic show production at this year’s festival was so vastly different, unique, creative and heartfelt in ways that were so unexpected.
Thank you to El Diablo, Jason Circus, The Baggy Pants, Shawn DeSouza-Coelho and Keith Brown.
I chose the nominations based on the spectacle, magic trips, showmanship and presentation of the production.
El Diablo of the Cards – Ewerton Martins
Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show – Jason Circus
Kicked in the End: A Magic Show – Shaun DeSouza-Coelho
Absolute Magic – Keith Bown
Super Funtimes Magic! – The Baggy Pants

The winner is El Diablo of the Cards by Brazil’s Ewerton Martins. The production took the audience into another reality where El Diablo is host, showman, clown and impossibly infectious with the heart, whimsy and joy in interacting with audiences whether it’s a victim or friend or both.
The nominees are for exceptional children’s theatre productions ranging from fairy tales, monster game show and a family friendly magic show.
Catch Me in the Kitchen Story Adventures – Catch Me in the Kitchen
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Ewerton Martins - El Diablo of the Cards

The winner is Catch Me in the Kitchen Story Adventures from Catch Me in the Kitchen.
Both Survival of the Spookiest and El Diablo of the Cards are phenomenal at capturing children’s imagination and interest but it is this particular production and company that are like a starter set for children beginning their Fringe adventure.
Saskatoon and Saskatchewan had an IMPRESSIVE roster this year of genre, performances and style from musicals, documentary style, mystery, monster game show, sibling, comedy set, family drama to a gay Regina man’s experience in London during the AIDS Crisis and epidemic of 1978-1989. Each production felt like it had a purpose, story to tell and each production was memorable and unforgettable.
16: The Musical – Live Fully Productions
The Stalker of Bradford Woods – The Little Company That Could
Hinterland – Rogue Souls Productions
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Passage – Scribble-Arte
Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm – Full Metal Comedy
Night Sweats – Sweat n’ Gumption

The winner is 16: The Musical by Saskatoon’s Live Fully Productions. What playwright Elisabeth Foucault, Paulina Salisbury (actor, musical director and composer and lyricist), Lorna Batycki (director), and the cast and crew accomplished was nothing short of incredible. I’m not exaggerating or giving false praise and platitudes when I say this production could easily be mistaken for an Off Broadway national touring production.
We have another diverse, eclectic group of nominees from the national productions including magic shows, children’s theatre, rats and hiking the East Coast Trail. Each nominee showed boldness, strong performances, script and production and uniqueness
GO – Pitchin’in Productions
Rat Academy – Batrabbit Productions
Catch Me in the Kitchen Story Adventures – Catch Me in the Kitchen
Kicked in the End: A Magic Show – Shawn DeSouza-Coelho
Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show – Jason Circus

The winner is GO from Pitchin'in Productions. What Laura Piccinin accomplished with stage presence, physical performance, comedy and strong script made what could have been just an average one woman performance become truly exceptional and magnetic.
Our nominees include two magic shows, comedic buddy road trip and a storytelling performance art theatre. Each show was unique, memorable and showed strong performances, script and stage presence.
El Diablo of the Cards – Ewerton Martins
Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play) - Jennifer Vosters
Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret – Chase Padgett
The Kid was a Spy - Jem Rolls/Big Word
AWOL – Rob Gee RibbitRePublic
Super Funtimes Magic! - The Baggy Pants

The winner is El Diablo of the Cards, what Martins does with his audience or “victims”, his incredible sleight of hand, his charismatic childlike sense of wonder and emulating heart that it’s almost like he has the Heart ring, from the Captain Planet Planeteer, character Mat-Ti, from the 1990 cartoon series of the same name..

Outstanding performance nominees are an amalgamation of male, female categories synonymous with the award shows we’ve become used to. It’s 2024, we no longer need to have separate categories for male or female, non binary, etc. Talent should be first and foremost. The performances at this year’s festival ranged from comedic, dramatic, hybrid, magical and storyteller personas.
Jennifer Vosters as Felix and Fanny Mendelssohn – Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play)
Laura Piccinin as a version of herself - GO
Chase Padgett as a version of himself - Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret
Ewerton Martins - El Diablo Of the Cards
The Baggy Pants - Super Funtimes Magic!
Jem Rolls – The Kid Was a Spy
Eusebias Scribante as Milo – Passage

The winner is Jennifer Vosters for her performance as Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn in Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play).
Vosters gives a tour de force award winning performance as she effortlessly shifts between both characters. Vosters used a myriad of physical performance, facial expressions, and affectations culminating into a magnetic, captivating and gripping performance. Vosters is a performer on the rise that will not surprise me if she enters the film, tv, Broadway or musical space and conversation in the near future.
The nominees in this category were able to encapsulate strong dramatic performances in three different productions, one is about a man sharing his experiences in London during the AIDS crisis and epidemic in the disco soaked gay scene of 1978-1989. The two others were sibling stories, one of a performer portraying dual characters, the other using his voice and performance as he stays still avoiding any physicality as his character is trapped in a cave.
Eusebias Scribante as Milo Abelson – Passage
Jennifer Vosters as Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn – Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play)
Brad McDougall as a version of himself – Night Sweats

The winner is Eusebias Scribante for his performance of Milo Abelson in Passage from Saskatoon's Scribble-Arte.
Scribante showcased a range of emotions from vulnerability, frustration, sadness and humor in a realistic nuanced performance that was truly striking. Scribante is a actor and performer to keep track of. I can’t wait to see where he goes next whether its cave related or not.
The nominees include performance pieces, comedic and character pieces ranging from strong character portrayals, stage presence and an ability to improve and utilize audience engagement under the umbrella of the strong character creation already fully formed.
Laura Piccinin as a version of herself - GO
Dayna Lea Hoffman as Fingers – Rat Academy
Danica Temple as Countess Valerie – Survival of the Spookiest
Kaelee Dyck as the Phantom of the Refinery – Survival of the Spookiest

The winner is Laura Picinin for her portrayal as a version of herself in GO.
Piccinin is magnetic, charismatic, self deprecating and uses her strong script, delivery to masterfully execute a performance and production that is award worthy and unquestionably unforgettable.
Piccinin is a performer on the rise, wherever her next adventure, detour or challenge takes her next, I can't wait and will eagerly follow!
It was impossible to put performers that have cultivated a strong, unique persona whether it’s in the stand up or magic show space that differs from other performance categories. While personas and performances can intermingle they can also be drastically different and varied.
Jessica Pigeau – How to Lose Friends and Irritate People
The Baggy Pants – Super Funtimes Magic!

The winner is Jessica Pigeau for their performance and persona from How to Lose Friends and Irritate People. Pigeau was able to craft such a strong persona that it was difficult to differentiate which was their real personality to their persona and I’m sure Pigeau deliberately wants to straddle that line.
Each of the nominees are the various stand-up comedy personalities from Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm from Saskatoon’s Full Metal Comedy. Each performer had a distinct personality, stage presence, performance and set.
Cheyenna Sapp – Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm
Danny Knight – Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm
Shaun Cuthand – Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm
Ryan Moccassin – Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm
Matt Donlevy – Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm

The winner is Cheyenna Sapp, who out all of the comedians from Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time's a Charm had in my opinion, the strongest material and set that set her apart from the other comedians.
As an aside each comedian were equally strong and hilarious and everyone should check each of them out at their next gig or tour.
In this category are the performances that amalgamated comedy, drama, storytelling, singing, magic, juggling that made not only their production but their performances vastly unique, noteworthy and instantly memorable.
Chase Padgett – Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret
Jason Circus – The Most Romantic Juggling Show in the World
Shaun DeSouza-Coelho – Kicked in the End: A Magic Show

The winner is Chase Padgett from Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret who created a hodgepodge of production, performance, personality and showmanship that was charming, charismatic, hilarious that relied on audience engagement and improve to make each show work.
In full disclosure in all its pathetic admission, Padgett had me at Florida (a lifelong obsession I've had since I was seven years old) when he walked on stage during the Fringe Preview night, but he completely surprised and won me over during his show with his quick wit, charisma, singing, songwriting abilities, performance, improv and storytelling abilities.
I tried to see many of the winners twice to see if the performance remained consistent.
I was most interested due to Padgett 's improv nature of his show and I was relieved he was just as magnetic and versatile as he was the first time. Even signaling me out my second time, when I was the enthusiastic chucklehead who started uproariously clapping before he even finished his opening song. Padgett’s piercing glare in my direction will be mentally burned and tattooed on my soul.
The nominees demonstrated and excelled at improv in the various productions from magic shows, comedy sets, variety game shows and singer/songwriter storytellers.
Jason Circus – Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show in the World
Chase Padgett: Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret
Jessica Pigeau – How to Alienate Friends and Irritate People
Cast of Survival of the Spookiest – Survival of the Spookiest
Full Metal Comedy -Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm

The winner is Jason Circus from Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show in the World who demonstrated an aptness at improve, audience engagement, magic and juggling that was an incredible display made even more incredible that Circus had to bump up his world premiere debut by two weeks that was scheduled for the 2024 Edmonton Fringe Festival when one of the productions dropped out last minute.
The nominees were chosen for magical ability, performance, personality, stage presence and showmanship.
Keith Brown – Absolute Magic
Jason Circus - Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show in the World
The Baggy Pants – Super Funtimes Magic

The winner is Keith Brown from Absolute Magic. Brown crafted a unique amalgamation of host, performer, magician who was adept at improv and audience engagement, even including me in the performance I reviewed.
Where much to my surprise and chagrin, Brown prefaced to the audience, and I’m paraphrasing, “You don’t have to be involved in the show whether on stage, or in the audience.”
Only to come right up to me where I was sitting, asking me to pull a card, cue to me anxiously trying to grab a card so I could go back to being an non-involved audience member.
Fun fact: I don’t know the difference between Spades or Clubs, so when Brown came back to me to inquire and get me to announce my card, I think Brown was just as surprised as I was with my answer.
I knew the color was black and the number was 9. The rest was lost in the magical ether of the Cosmo Seniors’ Centre as I tried to get out of the situation as fast as I could.
Now, if Brown deliberately selected me as his production was one of the last for me to get to review (it was the second last performance of the festival), touché, sir and I will proudly own that and see your next show at the Saskatoon Fringe Festival, FIRST!
The nominees in this category were selected by their ability to craft and cultivate a performance that drove each of their magic show productions.
The Baggy Pants – Super Funtimes Magic
Ewerton Martins – El Diablo of the Cards

The winner is The Baggy Pants for his performance as the hapless, crusty, Mr. Bean-esque character from Super Funtimes Magic!
The character desperately wants to perform and win over the audience only to constantly bumble and flail about. The ability to commit to the persona and performance while doing fantastic magic tricks was truly extraordinary.
The nominees in this category gave strong supporting performances ranging from rats, siblings, monsters, podcaster/influencer, photographer and documentary interview subjects.
Each of the performances were unique and memorable and gave superb supporting performances that enhanced each of their productions.
Katie Yoner as Shrimp – Rat Academy
Matthew Letkeman as Andy Abelman – Passage
Makhosini Ndlovu as Doom Stuffing – Survival of the Spookiest
Molly Chartier as Carina – The Stalker of Bradford Woods
Aiden Maddison as Mark – The Stalker of Bradford Woods
Samantha Hinz as Peter and Erica – Hinterland

The winner is Katie Yoner for her portrayal as Shrimp from Rat Academy.
Yoner conveyed an infectious vulnerability and curiosity and memorable performance that was stunning, enduring and mesmerizing. Yoner is an actor and performer to watch out for whether on the Fringe stage or in the film and tv sphere.
The nominees were chosen for their ability to play off each other as a duo whether is was an education in the world of rats, sibling rivalries, fairytales storytellers or two friends who go on a buddy road trip escaping a care home to go to a metal festival.
The duos played off each other expertly which not only enhanced their performances but the production as a whole.
Dayna Lea Hoffman and Katie Yoner as Fingers and Shrimp - Rat Academy
Rob Gee and Jon Paterson as Cyril and Neville - AWOL
Eusebias Scribante and Matthew Letkeman as Milo and Andy Abelman – Passage
Chantale Groulx and Stephen LeFrenie - Catch Me in the Kitchen Story Adventures

The winners are Dayna Lea Hoffman and Katie Yoner for their performances as Fingers and Shrimp from Rat Academy.
Hoffman and Yoner stole their own show as the adorable, infectious heartfelt duo that made me actually want to hug and take a selfie with them if they wanted to and actually watch Pixar’s Ratatouille for the first time. Ratatouille premiered in 2007.
I’ve avoided this film since the premise was announced as a rat cooking in a kitchen. Animated or not, that’s nightmare fuel I do not need. I would rather drink energy drinks that are honestly unhealthier for me.

The nominees in this category craft an ability to work together as an ensemble, to play off each other whether it’s improv or feeding off their fellow performers’ energies or working together to create a laugh factory assembly line of hilarious comedians.
16: The Musical – Live Fully Productions
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm – Full Metal Comedy
The Stalker Of Bradford Woods – The Little Company That Could
Hinterland – Rogue Souls Productions

The winner is 16: The Musical from Live Fully Productions. This talented ensemble sang, dance and was able to break free from character stereotypes and tropes that have permeated in the pop culture zeitgeist for decades and made their characters, portrayals truly shine and their own.
The nominees in this category showed an ability to command the audience with their monologues, stories, physical performance and affections from various genres of storytelling, one woman show, hybrid and magician performers,
Jem Rolls – The Kid Was a Spy
Laura Piccinin - GO
Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret – Chase Padgett
Jessica Pigeau – How to Lose Friends and Alienate People
Shaun DeSouza-Coelho – Kicked in the End: A Magic Show
Keith Brown – Absolute Magic
Chantale Groulx and Stephen LeFrenie - Catch Me in the Kitchen Story Adventures

The winner is Jem Rolls for his performance in The Kid Was a Spy. Rolls gives a masterclass in storytelling, holding the audience’s attention, making them question, speculate and laugh simultaneously. Whatever subject Rolls tackles next, it will be something to watch.
The nominees were chosen for their ability to surprise expectations and plot synopsis from either the Fringe program or snippet at the Fringe Preview night.
Whether the production featured rats, a hodgepodge cabaret of singing/songwriter/improv/storytelling or a production about classical music siblings and composers to a monster game variety show.
Or, fairy tales, magic shows, a gay man’s experience in London during the AIDS crisis and epidemic to a woman’s experience hiking the East Coast Trail.
These nominees were absolutely surprising in their delight to transform into something absolutely special.
Rat Academy – BatRabbit Productions
Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret – Chase Padgett
Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play) – Jennifer Vosters
GO – Pitchin'in Productions
El Diablo of the Cards – Ewerton Martins
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Catch Me in the Kitchen Story Adventures – Catch Me in the Kitchen
Kicked in the End: A Magic Show – Shawn DeSouza-Coelha
Night Sweats – Sweat n’ Gumption
How to Alienate Friends and Irritate People – Jessica Pigeau
Super Funtimes Magic – The Baggy Pants

The winner is Rat Academy from BatRabbit Productions in the ability to supersede any hesitation, trepidation I had going into the show with all my fears, and preconceived notions I had about rats to actually wanting to be friends with the fictional characters by the end.
The nominees were selected for the superb audience engagement management from seamlessly able to improve, riff, sing, perform magic tricks and showcase their stand up set to create a transformative and magical performance.
Chase Padgett -Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret
Full Metal Comedy - Full Metal Comedy: Fourth Time’s a Charm
Keith Brown – Absolute Magic
Ewerton Martins – El Diablo of the Cards

The winner is Chase Padgett from Chase Padgett: Grab Bag Cabaret. Padgett’s ability to make the audience members or their suggestions a prominent part of each performance was truly extraordinary.
The nominees proved their ability to turn the production and performances on their head, completely changing the direction in a way that did not diminish the production or their performances.
Kicked in the End: A Magic Show – Shawn DeSouza-Coelho
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People - Jessica Pigeau

The winner is Kicked in the End: A Magic Show from Shawn DeSouza-Coelho.
Without ruining the “magic” of the show what DeSouza-Colho did was give a heartwarming, vulnerable, enduring performance culminating with a mic drop moment that still leaves me stunned.
The nominees selected took a strong script whether it was adapted or created and written by the performers or playwright or companies and used it as a jumping off point to make their performances commanding, captivating, magnetic and gripping that only cemented how powerful the script was in prose, scope and design.
Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play) – Jennifer Vosters
GO – Laura Piccinin/Pitchinin Productions
Passage – David. S Raine/Scribble-Arte
16: The Musical by Elisabeth Foucault/Live Fully Productions

The winner is Songs Without Words (Or, The Mendelssohn Play) by Jennifer Vosters about the classical music siblings and composers, Fanny and Felix Mendelssohn. Vosters' script demonstrated strong direction, clarity, prose and dialogue that made it dynamic and gripping.
The nominees were selected from local Saskatoon productions to a national magic show from Calgary, Alberta. Each production demonstrated a strong concept, script, direction, performances and stage presence that showcased and platformed each production’s ability to craft a unique vision and premise.
The Stalker of Bradford Woods – The Little Company That Could
Hinterland – Rogue Souls Productions
16: The Musical – Five Fully Productions
Survival of the Spookiest – Wonder City Collective/Peach Pit Productions
Passage – Scribble-Arte
Catching Feelings: The Most Romantic Juggling Show – Jason Circus

The winner is The Stalker of Bradford Woods from Saskatoon’s The Little Company That Could. This mystery true crime love letter showed affection to the genre, engaging performances, and a clever, witty script from Meeka Fast. Fast also designed the production. Directed by Darius Kiskotagan. The production features an ensemble cast featuring McKenzie Venus Rose (Asher), Aiden Maddison (Mark), Molly Chartier (Carina), Matthew Wiwchar (Librarian) and Ian Kimpton (Deangelo).
The nominees selected showcased tremendous stage presence, showmanship, uniqueness that made their performance, personalities striking and captivating that made me stop each and every time and take note of each performance ranging from acrobatics, juggling, singing or living statues.
The Jambo Brothers
Hoop and Hat
Show Circus
Burns the Dragon - The Caravan of Curiosities
The Unicyling Unicorn
Ella Jade
Silver Fox Statue and The Silver Lady - The Caravan of Curiosities
Jason Circus
Chase Padgett
You Had Me at Cello

The winner is The Jambo Brothers from Kenya. The troupe demonstrated strong performances, stage presences that mixed pop culture references, soundtrack to make their show a stunning attraction whether it’s at Fringe festival or not. More information on The Jambo Brothers can be found here.
The nominees selected demonstrated and showcased an almost majestic, captivating or siren like quality in their range, style and presence.
Ella Jade
Nathan Coppens
Amy Blom

The winner is Saskatoon’s Ella Jade, who showcased tremendous talent that proved magnetic in her ability to showcase range, nuance and different styles and genres that made it unique and her own. More information on Ella Jade can be found here.
The nominees selected were for their ability to surprise, astonish and amaze that it made me want to stop what I’m doing and give them my unwavering attention
Silver Fox Statue and The Silver Lady - The Caravan of Curiosities
Ella Jade
The Jambo Brothers
Nathan Coppens
Chase Padgett

The winner is Silver Fox Statue and The Silver Lady from Vancouver’s Caravan of Curiosities. These two performers showed a commitment to method performing, a uniqueness that made their inclusion in the festival truly memorable and unforgettable. More information on the performers can be found here.
Thank you to everyone who read this. I cannot articulate how much jubilation and emotion I felt to both return as a patron, spectator and a reviewer for the 2024 Saskatoon Fringe Festival.
This became this a magical, wondrous experience, which is a memory I will treasure and hold dearly for the rest of my life.
The Saskatoon Fringe Festival was from August 1-10th 2024 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada and was organized by 25th Street Theatre.