Aquaman Rebirth #1 Review
By Ezekiel McAdams
June 9 2016
DC’s Rebirth launch, continues with Aquaman Rebirth #1
As a huge Aquaman fan, I was both excited and cautious for Aquaman Rebirth and his portrayal. For most of my life. I was made fun of because, one of my favourite superheroes, was Aquaman, and the response I usually fought back against was, “He’s so lame!” or, “He just talks to fish!” I was a little more optimistic about this run, as Dan Abnett is one of my favourite current comic writers right now. I fell in love with his dialogue and characterization in BOOM! Studios, Wild’s End miniseries
But can Dan Abnett bring that same depth and strong characterization to Aquaman Rebirth?
I can honestly say, in my personal opinion, yes he can!
Abnett brings a meta quality to the series, highlighting the fact that Aquaman is perceived as a lesser hero and a joke to not only our world but the fictional DC Universe as well. While this approach can seem a little on the nose, in this case, however, I think it works, because it sets up the character and the world to new readers and even old in this new iteration.
The story is pretty simple. The plot focuses on a terror group, The Deluge, as well as slowly establishing the world, Aquaman meets with his wife and Queen, Mera, at the seafood diner while a mysterious entity is revealed at the end to be the son of Black Manta and focusing his revenge on Aquaman, via Mera.
Abnett sets up the stakes, re-introduces us to familiar characters and prepares us for what to come.
One thing, I loved is Aquaman and Mera’s conversation at the diner, it establishes the deep love and bond between the two and the compromises they make for each other. Abnett is also able to show Mera’s strength as a leader earlier in the comic.
My only concern is that Mera will be kidnapped or used as bait, making her another damsel in distress, removing some of her agency and strength as a character. Hopefully, Abnett has a few tricks up his sleeve.
The art by Oscar Jimenez, is beautiful and breathtaking. The ocean battles, the scenery, the character detail, all feel like I’m peering into another world.
This first issue wasn’t perfect but it alleviated a lot of my fears and it made me excited for Abnett’s take on Aquaman. The art was beautiful and I liked the meta jabs as someone who has to constantly explain or defend Aquaman to others.