Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3 Review
By Ezekiel McAdams
Jan 25 2017
Crossovers in comics are nothing new, so it was only a matter of time for Batman and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to cross paths.
Following the success of a previous crossover with the Ghostbusters, IDW brings the worlds of Batman: The Animated Series and Nickelodeon’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to a head.
In full disclosure, the only reason I picked this issue up despite my love for the Turtles, was the appearance of the character, Snakeweed, plastered on the comic with a seductive, Poison Ivy in front of him. I love Snakeweed. Ever since I was a child, the one mutant I wanted was a plant. We had animals, garbage men, a displaced body falling apart but we never had a plant mutant. Ideally, younger me wanted a Cactus mutant, for no other reason than I thought it would be cool.
Since Snakeweed’s debut in the 2012 series, I always felt he got the short end of the vine. His character was little developed aside from the “Me monster, destroy!” trope. I felt that a man mutated into a plant, could have so much potential. He could be a tragic, poignant character if a writer let him.
As i picked up the comic, my imagination reeled with the possibilities of a Snakeweed/Poison Ivy team up. There could be a platonic bond of friendship and they could use their powers to be quite the threat for anyone let alone a team up of Batman and the Ninja Turtles.
Sadly, my expectations were shot out of the sky as I turned every page. Presented was the usual Snakeweed MO. a Frankenstein’s Monster of destruction except now, being manipulated by Poison Ivy.
The issue written by Matthew Manning, with art by Jon Sommariva, is perfectly serviceable for a Saturday morning action adventure serial in comic form. The action is detailed, the dialogue clever and the story despite being familiar and formulaic is fun.
Now, I don’t know the ins and outs of these two ips coming together, perhaps IDW wanted something fun without much substance. At the end of this, the onus is on me for letting my sky high expectations get the best of me.
As a quick and final note, to any current or future writers of the TMNT property, Snakeweed, could be a great tragic character that is developed as well as being a “monster of the week” threat to the turtles. There are no bad characters, in the hands of good writers.
Thank you!