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Rat Academy is an Adorable Smorgasbord of Raw, Infectious Talent and Magnetic Precision

By Ezekiel McAdams

 August 7 2024

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  *Author’s Note – This is a review of the performance from August 7 2024 because of the improv and audience engagement component of the production, each performance may differ.*

  Rat Academy is a masterclass education on the lives of the comic odd duo, Fingers and Shrimp that will delight and engage your curiosity and is a heartwarming display of talent that is infectious and awe inspiring in scope.


  The production comes from Edmonton’s Batrabbit Productions and stars Dayna Lea Hoffman (Fingers) and Katie Yoner (Shrimp). It is directed by Jopseph McManus.


  Fingers, is the cantankerous mentor trying to educate Shrimp on the dangers of humanity and their plight to the rat kingdom. Hoffman is adept at scene stealing, and gives a strong performance that is masterful at audience engagement.


  Shrimp is adorable in their affections, cadence and physicality that is both enduring and impossible magnetic. Yoner is able to create affectionate coos as Shrimp that is infectious and the curiosity and affectations they convey is a feat in versatility.

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Rat Academy Saskatoon Fringe 2024.jpg

  McManus’ direction provides a energetic, silly playground for the performers but allows the production to be surprisingly heartfelt.


  Meegan Sweet is the costume designer and creates such stylish and vibrant costumes it really propels the production and the actors performances.


  Claire Sonmore is the set designer and creates such a striking playground that accentuates the production.


  Other crew includes Avery Fehr as Stage Manager.


  Rat Academy may be the most heartfelt, adorable and unquestionably charming production of an inner look and education of stylized rat personas.


  Rat Academy is playing at The Broadway Theatre from August 3-10th 2024 at the Saskatoon Fringe Festival. Tickets can be bought online here, the box office on site or the venue itself.

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